
Digital marketing vs traditional marketing

Today is the digital era, everyone in the world wants to be part of this new revolution of the digital world. This blog is for those people who think to shift their business online and don’t know the power of digital platforms, especially in my country (India).

According to IT company Capgemini, the online shopping buzz is rising from 46% to 64% in Indian marketing after the lockdown during covid-19 situations.

Digital Marketing over Tradional Marketing

In this article, I’ll explain step by step following advantage of digital marketing:

1. Show Real-Time Results - Allow to track marketing positive and negative results

2. Low-Cost Investment - More cost-effective than old marketing strategies

3. Get Higher Exposure - Reach largest numbers of people

4. Huge Return - Get more leads and conversion than traditional marketing

5. Easy Analysis - Check complete performance anytime from anywhere

6. More Engagements - Huge online traffic sources

7. Easy to Share - Automation sharing facilities

8. Quick Brand Development - Possibilities of local to global recognization

9. Easy to Make Changes in Campaign - Easily to customize ads as per requirements

10. Precise Target - Showing advertisements only to suitable audience

What is Traditional Marketing:

Traditional marketing is the conventional way of marketing to promote specific products or services for an organization, community, or personally in offline mode (without using the internet).

Traditional Marketing includes mainly four categories – print media, broadcast, telephone, and direct mail.  Apart from that it has included:

  • Television (TV)
  • Radio
  • Newspapers
  • Exhibition & conference
  • Face to face meeting
  • Cold call
  • Fax
  • Ads in related magazines.
  • Flyers and billboards by the highways or roads.

What is Digital Marketing:

Digital Marketing is the way of promotion of products & services through the electronic medium or internet. This includes:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)
  • PPC ads on search engines
  • Email marketing for promotional ads
  • Video marketing like YouTube videos & channels
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Blogs or content marketing
  • Influencer marketing

Today 60% of professional marketers say that they choose digital marketing in terms of inbound traffic to directly connect with customers. Here I’m going to share why we should prefer the digital marketing approach over traditional marketing:

1. Show Real-Time Results:

Traditional marketing takes time to start, whereas you can see quick results in digital marketing. You can track your business, sells or services in real-time including:

  • Number of visitors and active time
  • Conversion and bounce rate
  • User location
  • User behavior
  • Reviews

The above data save your time to make better decisions for further results.

2. Low-Cost Investment:

Digital marketing is great for small businesses because it reduces your marketing cost as a comparison to traditional marketing. As we all know, ads in newspapers and TV are so expensive. Some people can’t afford this highly paid marketing budget.

But on the other hand, in digital marketing, we expand our marketing range beyond the boundaries in very fewer amounts. Nowadays, so many startups have started their business on an online platform to reduce their marketing expenses because they know the strength of digital power.

3. Get Higher Exposure:

Think about your ads on billboards, TV, and newspaper. We can’t make sure that this ad will reach as many people as possible in our city. So there will be limitations to the exposure of your advertisement.

In online marketing, your ad can reach very easily any corner of the world (through social media, Google, a website, or Emails).

4. Huge Return:

Once if you succeed to build your trust online, you can’t imagine how large a return you will earn on a very small investment. Trust and brand are the most powerful assets in online business that you need to maintain and grow day by day.

Through online marketing, you have a lot of options (SMS & Email marketing, remarketing campaign, YouTube ads, social media approach, use marketing automation, etc.) to retain your customers easily. That means more visitors (customer), more business.

5. Easy Analysis:

With the help of Google Analytics, you can track your present and past business records that help you to change your strategy to achieve positive results. You can measure almost everything in digital marketing like inbound traffic, conversation rate, quarterly, monthly, and yearly goals.

For example, suppose you have a Facebook page, now you can check your FB page performance through its insights section where you see page summary – Page views,  likes, post reach, engagements, and many more.

6. More Engagements:

The report says Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have 1.79 billion, 500 million, and 186 million daily active users respectively.

Now you can understand how many chances of engagements are there to promote your business online. The biggest achievement in online marketing is that we can reach our business quickly to maximum people.

Not only social media but search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo is also part of this medium where billions of people search every day whatever they need.

7. Easy to Share:

We become more capable to share business (products, offers, services, or articles) with our large online communities that really matters. You can always reach a targeted people anytime whether you are online or off through marketing automation tools.

Now, while writing this paragraph I’m also thinking to share this article for getting maximum views. So I’m very comfortable sharing my thoughts with my online followers, this wasn’t easy in the traditional way.

8. Quick Brand Development:

Let’s start with an example, today everyone knows about Jeff Bezos founder of Amazon. It started with selling books online in 1994 but today Amazon has become the largest e-commerce website all over the world that operates in 200+ countries.

Just imagine what would happen today if Amazon were offline instead of online, I don’t think that could ever happen in form of traditional marketing.

Not just Amazon but all giants and small companies are continuously investing money in online adverting to develop their brand reputation. Digital marketing takes your brand all over the world, making great profits for you and your business.

9. Easy to Make Changes in Campaign:

Traditional marketing is very unreliable. It is very hard to edit an advertisement banner once it executed. Suppose, if you want to change the discount rate for a particular product after printing your ad board, that’s really inflexible for your budget too.

But in the online campaign, you can easily make changes in discount price, budget, audience, and location anytime. You have all control to handle your own ads in digital marketing.

10. Precise Target:

In online advertisements, you can reach the exact audience very comfortably by using Facebook and Google ads where you can customize your campaign with the following features:

  • Age group
  • Gender
  • Marital Status
  • Location and area
  • Budget
  • Behavior
  • Religion
  • And more

It becomes really so convenient with such a type of facility to approach your target online. When someone wants to sell Football studs online, easily can select the right person who should be between 18 to 25 years old. Similarly, we can target our customers by taking any age group, location, or gender.

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