
How SEO Can Help to Grow Your E-Commerce Website for Business

Let’s consider here some important factors, more than 60% of people are searching for products online via Google search engine, and 30 – 35% of traffic comes from Google search results. The point is – how people reach your online store through Google?

Ecommerce SEO Guide

As you know only the top 10 organic search results appear on the first page of Google and it is more likely that people will visit those 10 results. If your website comes with those ten lists, your e-commerce website gets huge traffic from online buyers. This is the game of SEO that responsible to bring your website to a higher Google rank position for generating more traffic and sales.

Here, I am going to discuss SEO (Search Engine Optimization), what mechanism should be considered while optimizing an E-Commerce website.

1. Keyword Research for E-Commerce:

This is the fundamental step of every SEO process and without keywords, you can’t optimize your category and products page. So keyword research is one of the most important deals for any e-commerce site.

How to find the best keywords free of cost for your e-commerce website? I am sharing with you my mythology to find out keywords for my website products and category page.

Use Google Keyword Planner: This is the best keyword finder tool, free available by Google. You can use Google Keyword Planner for the following purposes:

  • Find new keywords with their categories.
  • Discover keyword search volume trends.
  • Customize keyword results on a geographic location & language basis.
  • Filter results by average monthly searches, competition level, and organic impressions position.
  • Check the performance of keywords as per their average bid prices.

Find Keywords on Amazon Search: Everybody knows that Amazon is the giant of the E-commerce industry but you can also take great advantage of Amazon search results. So when you search on Amazon, it suggests you a list of keywords related to your product categories.

Find Keywords on Amazon Search

Suppose I am searching health-related products as an above snapshot, Amazon search result automatically displays some number of the list. We can choose our keywords among those suggest lists.

2. Website Structure:

Just see the below diagram as an example, it’s the user-friendly web structure and well-optimized e-commerce website architecture that you need to consider your website too. This kind of concentrated structure helps to improve rank in Google.  It makes an E-Commerce website easy for Google to find and index every page.

Website Structure

3. On-Page SEO:

Once your website has completed relevant keyword research, then we optimize the product and category pages. We’ll apply the following process step by step:

  • Title Tag – Add the modifiers like deals, free shipping, online, buy, or cheap to the title tag.
  • Description Tag – Include relevant key phrases (best deal, summer or winter sale, new arrival) in the description to increase your CTR.
  • Page Content – Add at least 800-900+ words and use 4-5% keywords in product pages.
  • LSI Keywords – Use LSI (Latent Semantic Index) keywords that are surrounding your products or keywords.
  • Product Page Interlinking – Interlinking is a very important factor in E-Commerce website SEO to hold the user in the website tightly.
  • Apply schema in the review section to display in Google search.

4. Technical SEO:

Not only in E-commerce but technical SEO is a very essential part of all websites. To beat your competitor, your website should completely optimize with technical SEO. In Technical SEO, you fix the errors of the website (for SEO perspective) such as:

  • Page Speed – Google wants a good user experience with fast loading speed on the web and mobile as well. The loading speed should be between 0 – 5 seconds for a wealth SEO.
  • Mobile-Friendly Website – As you know mobile users are increasing day by day and Google Algorithm (Mobile-First Index) love the mobile-friendly website. So your e-commerce website must be optimized with mobile responsiveness.
  • Robot.txt File – This file instruct the search engines which page to be crawled and not to be crawled.
  • XML Sitemap – The sitemap.xml is the list of website URLs that tells the search engine how the website structured.
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